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  • Writer's pictureTwelve Stones Collective

{BE} Zealous | Colorado Senior Photographer

Shelby is one of those girls who is going somewhere. I mean, this chick is zealous, ambitious, and yet very humble. I LOVE that about her. We hit it off right away when we discovered our shared love of the 90’s… especially the grunge. Shelby is a 2018 Senior this year and I can’t wait to see her do FANTASTIC things!

What is your favorite memory from your high school years thus far?

“My favorite memory from my high school years this far would most definitely be getting to watch my friends from freshman year grow into the people they are today.”

If you could go see any band, living or dead, in concert who would that be?

“I would go see Cher, between her wild outfits, to amazing music. Cher would be awesome live.”

Who would you say is your best friend? How long have you known them? How did you meet?

“I have two, One is Jamie, (the mom friend) and Katie (the super cool girl who everyone wants to be friends with) These two girls are my everything, They’ve been there through my first heartbreak and I know they’ll be there for the many more heartbreaks that will come. I met Jamie in Drama class, She pushed me to sing for my audition which landed me a lead role in legally blonde the musical. I met Katie through biology, we hated each other. Now were three peas in a pod.”

Were you nervous about beginning high school?

“No, I’m very outgoing, and couldn’t care less of what others think of me.”

What would you say is the first thing people notice about you?

“My eyes, No doubt.”

What type of music is on your iPhone?

“All kinds, Anything you can think of.”

What was your favorite movie growing up?

“Lilo and stitch, or Dirty Dancing, or Grease. Any of those would make me the happiest little girl ever.”

What is your favorite outfit?

“A big fluffy sweater and a skirt.”

Are you in any extra-curricular activities?

“I used to play volleyball and I loved it. I am actively involved in acting.”

What would be your dream car?

“THERE ARE TOO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM. If I HAD to choose, It would be a Shelby 1967 gt500, why else would I be named after Carroll Shelby?”

What memory of high school makes you laugh the most?

“My first boyfriend and I decided to skip school, for a whole day, we were back before his football game that night. We just drove around all day, eating powdered donuts, drinking cherry cola, and listening to good music. I don’t think I’ve laughed as much as I did that whole day.”

What is a must have item for any high school student?


What are you passionate about?

“Being happy for the rest of my life.”

Are you a fan of any sport teams or athletes?

“Not really, I do like football tho, and lacrosse.”

Where do you buy most of your clothing from?

“Tilly’s, or VS.”

What can you be found doing on the weekends?

“I’m mostly at the parties, I’m very social.”

What is the most important thing to know about you?

“I’m very competitive and outgoing, I’m very nice until you cross me, I am a scorpio after all.”

BONUS: I chose Becky for my Senior Portrait Photographer because…

“You were recommended! We both also really like grunge!”

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